We were privileged on Monday, July 11th, to receive Paul Walker and Garson Fields from Northampton, Massachusetts, the Coolidge’s adopted hometown. Messrs. Walker and Fields were active in the Calvin Coolidge Commemorative Society back in the 1980s and 1990s. They shared a wonderful scrapbook of news clippings from the society’s heyday, as well as the precious gem linked above. That gem, which we highly encourage you to watch, is a video of America’s 40th president, Ronald Reagan, accepting the 1990 Calvin Coolidge Distinguished Citizen of the Year Award from the Coolidge Commemorative Soicety. In this video President Reagan warms the hearts of all Coolidge admirers as he sings the praises of America’s 30th president, lauding Coolidge for balancing the federal budget, reducing taxes, and promoting peace throughout the world.
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Our 2016 Class of Coolidge Scholars represents the cream of the crop of American high school students. We are very pleased to reward them with the Coolidge Scholarship.
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At 1:00 p.m. on the Fourth of July, the Coolidge Foundation will lead a full-length, group reading of the Autobiography of Calvin Coolidge. This is an annual tradition, and the public is encouraged to join the reading. The reading will take place in the Union Christian Church in Plymouth Notch. To sign up to read a portion, please contact our Program Associate Rushad Thomas at Rthomas@CoolidgeFoundation.org.
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The history of the U.S. Government’s relationship with the indigenous peoples of North America has long been fraught with much difficulty and tragedy. There are many things we all wish had been done differently, or not at all.
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President Calvin Coolidge is known for many things, including his championing of limited government, his deft handling of the 1919 Boston Police Strike, and his responsible stewardship of the federal budget. But how often do we recall his pioneering gestures to improve race relations in the fraught decade of the 1920s? We were recently reminded of President Coolidge’s noble actions by the Hon. Kurt Schmoke, president of the University of Baltimore and former Baltimore mayor.
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