Coolidge Scribes • Library Donors • Partner Institutions
President Calvin Coolidge is the last president not to have a modern, government-funded, presidential library. The thirtieth president would likely take pride in this fact. After all, in his autobiography, the president wrote that it was fortunate that former presidents were “not supported at public expense after leaving office.” But the time has come to give Coolidge a library–if not of bricks and mortar, then online. That is why the Calvin Coolidge Presidential Foundation has launched a bold effort to build “30” a virtual library in time for the 2023 centennial of Coolidge’s inauguration.
Building a library, even of the digital variety, is a big endeavor and the Coolidge Foundation is thankful for all the supporters who have helped make this project possible! Support comes in a variety of different forms for a project such as this.
- Coolidge Scribes transcribe Coolidge’s numerous speeches and writings to get them ready for digital publication. Despite his nickname “Silent Cal”, President Coolidge had a lot to say, making Coolidge Scribes’ work all the more important.
- Library Donors provide the financial support to make this endeavor possible. Their gifts help bring presidential history to life and share Coolidge’s wisdom and timeless values with generations of Americans to come. The Coolidge Foundation seeks to raise $50,000 for this project by 2023.
- Partner Institutions help identify and share Coolidge writings and artifacts with the Coolidge Foundation for digital publication. Because President Coolidge doesn’t have a federally funded library, his collection is scatted across many collections and institutions. We thank all of our partner institutions, including the Forbes Library, for helping us consolidate and digitize their collections in order to make President Coolidge’s life and work more accessible for all.
Coolidge Scribes
Coolidge Scribes transcribe and edit Calvin Coolidge’s speeches and writings for digital publication. Thank you to all our wonderful scribes for helping to bring Coolidge’s words into the 21st Century!
“Silent Cal” had a lot of say and we are always looking for more Scribes. Become a Coolidge Scribe today!

Platinum (>50):
John Sullivan III, Robert Manchester, David McCann, J Mitchell Rushing, Greg Harkenrider, Fr. Stephen Lawson
Gold (30-50):
John McLeod, Kelly Hess, Frank Harder, Craig Eyermann, David Diao, Carolyn Ledewitz
Silver (20-29):
Chip Ross, James George, Tamara Harken, Vincent Scanlan
Bronze (10-19):
Ann Hunyadi, Jon Raso, Richard Link, Mary Christopher, Jill Leavitt, Pamela Mett, David Wang
Scribes (<10):
Alex Bavalsky, Alison Xin, Alvino-Mario Fantini, Amelia Murphy, Andrew Lu, Anne Cherico, Annie Zhi, Anonymous, Arjun Nageswaran, Ava Lavigne, Benjamin Crair, Brady Marzen, Bret Baker, Brian Harrin, Brian Mimbs, Caleb Oh, Carol Salter, Chris Imming, Cindy Phan, Conner Huey, Daniel Kenary, David DeCleene, David Turman, Deepika Sud, Dennis Peterson, Dustin Speckhals, Dwight Mendenall, Elise Ott, Elissa Morgan, Ellie Rose Mattoon, Francisco Camacho, Gabriela Garity, Gary Hammer, Gary Pledger, Geoffrey Zhang, Harrison Dal Ponte, Henry Oliver, Hilary Weber, Horace Mello, Jared Rhoads, Jenny McCain, Joan Boren, Joanne Dooley, John Ferrell, John Hendrickson, John Struck, Josh Kim, Josh Moriarty, Joshua Tyler Williams, Kaien Yang, Katelyn Cai, Katherine McPhie, Katherine Sylvester, Kathryn Furlan, Kevin DeVries, Lisa Sullivan, Madison Thornton, Matt Denhart, Matt Muellner, Matthew Merritt, Miles Mortimer, Milo Chang, Mitch Robson, Neha Seshadri, Nicholas Jose Tenuto, Nicholas Quintero, Nico Brayton, Patrick McDonald, Raj Jaladi, Regan Brady, Rob Hammer, Rohan Rajeev, Rohit Kataria, Sam Reddick, Sara Sporkin, Sarah Chen, Sarai Lazo, Sri Jaladi, Taylor Fang, Khan, Teddy Tawil, Thomas Buckley, Thomas Casey, Tiana Luo, Tim Spielman, Willow Bascom, Helagenet Hailu, DJ Bettencourt, Paige Gibbs, Kyle Loren, Mary Oshoba, Charles Euchner, Jusah Millen, Pamel Anderson, Julie McNeil
Library Donors
Thank you to our library donors whose generosity makes the Coolidge Library Project possible. Support this project today!
Coolidge Librarian (>$500)
Susan Bruch
Bob Shamoon
Coolidge Archivist ($499 – $100)
Seth & Olia Hopkins
Daniel Moulton & M. Barbara Joyce
Gary Nash
James W. Ottaway
Amity Shlaes
Jerry Wallace
Coolidge Reader ($99 – $50)
Fran Becque
Jason Besler
Eric Capps
Kevin Capps
Matthew Denhart
Jimmy Kemp
Robert Manchester
John McLeod
Kipling Oren
Celia Weintrob
Library Member (<$50)
Russel Henderson
Hal Meeks
Charles O’Connor
Chip Ross
Sandra Serkess
Partner Institutions
Thank you to these organizations that who have partnered with the Coolidge Foundation on this project to create a digital library for President Coolidge!
Forbes Library
Forbes Library, the public library for Northampton, Massachusetts, provides a wide range of information, materials and services to all of the people of Northampton and Massachusetts and houses the Calvin Coolidge Presidential Library and Museum. After graduating from Amherst College, Calvin Coolidge began a career in law and politics in Northampton, Massachusetts and after leaving the White House in 1929, he returned to Northampton where he lived for the rest of his life.
The Coolidge Library at Forbes houses a large collection of Coolidge writings and artifacts and is partnering with the Coolidge Foundation to bring the Forbes collection online. The Coolidge Foundation is especially grateful for the work and partnership of Julie Bartlett Nelson, who maintains the Coolidge collection at Forbes. Visit the Forbes Library’s website at:
Vermont Division for Historic Preservation

The Vermont Division for Historic Preservation maintains and preserves the President Calvin Coolidge State Historic Site in Plymouth Notch, Vermont, birthplace and childhood home of Calvin Coolidge. Open from May to October