Complimentary Membership — Coolidge Cousins

We are pleased to offer a complimentary, one-year, Coolidge Foundation membership to “Coolidge Cousins” — that is to say, members of the extended Coolidge family.

We are pleased also to be able to provide a complimentary copy of The Autobiography of Calvin Coolidge to the first twenty-five families who sign-up as new members using the form below.

Other benefits available to all members include:

  • An official membership card in the mail;
  • Free admission to the President Calvin Coolidge State Historic site and to all Vermont State historic sites;
  • A subscription to the Coolidge Foundation’s email newsletter, News From the Notch;
  • A subscription to the Coolidge Quarterly.

Thank you for joining us in the important work of sharing the legacy and values of President Coolidge with America’s next generation. We are so grateful to have your family as new members in the lead-up to the centennial anniversary year of President Coolidge’s inauguration.