Students can qualify for the Coolidge Cup in either declamation or debate. Students can try to earn an invitation in either event, but if a student earns an invitation in both events, he or she will have to choose which event to compete in at the Coolidge Cup, since the Coolidge Cup schedule does not allow students to compete in both events.
To compete for an invitation to the Coolidge Cup in declamation, enter the Coolidge Cup Qualifier for Declamation, which is an online, video-based competition. The competition opens in January and entries are due in April. A total of 10 students will earn an invitation to compete in declamation at the 2024 Coolidge Cup.
There are many qualifying methods to earn an invitation to the Coolidge Cup in debate. For details on how you can qualify for the 2025 Coolidge Cup for debate, read more about our growing national series of qualifying tournaments.

Coolidge Cup trophy table at the 2019 Coolidge Cup