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Annual Summer Gala “Under the Tent”
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Our August 1st Gala this year will sparkle under a near-full moon, not only because it will provide an opportunity for us to enjoy an evening with so many grand Coolidge supporters like you, but also because two speakers of tremendous caliber will grace the dinner. Richard Norton Smith is the foremost living historian of the American presidency. You’d be hard-pressed to find another scholar whose knowledge compares to both the breadth and depth of Mr Smith’s. In October 2014 Random House published Mr. Smith’s latest book On His Own Terms: A Life of Nelson Rockefeller, a masterful volume which Mr. Smith will be available to autograph on the night of the gala. Smith’s Rockefeller biography was described by historian Douglas Brinkley as “one of the greatest cradle to grave biographies written in the past 50 years,” and tagged in advance by Amazon.com as one of the fall’s Twenty Big Books in Biography and Memoir. The book will be of special relevance to the Vermont community given the great contributions members of the Rockefeller family have made to the region.
Our co-host and interviewer, The Honorable John H. Sununu, has led a tremendous life. Governor Sununu is a first-generation Palestinian American and holds a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering. He worked for many years in academia as Associate Dean of the College of Engineering and Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Tufts University. Mr. Sununu became New Hampshire’s 75th governor on January 6, 1983, and served three consecutive terms. Mr. Sununu served President George H.W. Bush as his first White House Chief of Staff from 1989 to 1991. Since retiring from public office he has worked extensively in the private sector, and continues to advise Republican presidential candidates. He is the author of the recently released book The Quiet Man: The Indispensable Presidency of George H.W. Bush, and will be autographing copies of this work at the gala.
Presidential-Level Sponsor ($10,000)
- 2 tables at August 1st Summer Gala in Plymouth Notch.
- VIP reception with Gala speakers Richard Norton Smith, acclaimed presidential historian, and John H. Sununu, former New Hampshire governor and White House chief-of-staff to President George H.W. Bush.
- 4 tickets to the Coolidge Foundation’s NYC Gala Dinner in autumn 2015.
- Company name and logo prominently displayed on all event materials.
Cabinet-Level Sponsor ($5,000)
- 2 tables at August 1st Summer Gala in Plymouth Notch.
- VIP reception with Gala speakers Richard Norton Smith, acclaimed presidential historian, and John H. Sununu, former New Hampshire governor and White House chief-of-staff to President George H.W. Bush.
- 2 tickets to the Coolidge Foundation’s NYC Gala Dinner in autumn 2015.
- Company name and logo prominently displayed on all event materials.
Plymouth Notch-Level Sponsor ($2,500)
- 1 table at August 1st Summer Gala in Plymouth Notch.
- VIP reception with Gala speakers Richard Norton Smith, acclaimed presidential historian, and John H. Sununu, former New Hampshire governor and White House chief-of-staff to President George H.W. Bush.
- 1 ticket to the Coolidge Foundation’s NYC Gala Dinner in autumn 2015.
- Company name and logo prominently displayed on all event materials.
Leadership-Level Sponsor ($1,000)
- 1 table at August 1st Summer Gala in Plymouth Notch.
- VIP reception with Gala speakers Richard Norton Smith, acclaimed presidential historian, and John H. Sununu, former New Hampshire governor and White House chief-of-staff to President George H.W. Bush.
- Company name and logo prominently displayed on all event materials.
Supporting-Level Sponsor ($500)
- 2 tickets to August 1st Summer Gala in Plymouth Notch.
- Company name and logo prominently displayed on all event materials.
Individual Ticket ($95)
- One ticket to August 1st Summer Gala in Plymouth Notch.
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