Calvin Coolidge Memorial Foundation Established
The Calvin Coolidge Memorial Foundation was established in 1960 as a non-profit educational organization. The Foundation’s membership numbers over 800 individuals who recognize the sterling character and remarkable accomplishments of President Coolidge and who work together to preserve the memory of his life and career. The Foundation strives to present a balanced portrait of Calvin Coolidge through educational programs, publications, public presentations and the preservation of historical collections. The Foundation collects and documents memorabilia of President Calvin Coolidge and his family. Additionally, cooperation is provided to other groups and individuals, having special Coolidge interests in gathering and disseminating information about their activities and participating with them whenever appropriate. The Coolidge Foundation owns and maintains the Union Christian Church at the Presidential Site and encourages and assists the Division for Historic Preservation at the Plymouth Notch Site. For more information go to the CCMF section of this web site.