Title: Progress Towards Freedom
Occasion: Dedication of a government hospital for African American World War I veterans
Location: Tuskegee, AL
Date: February 12, 1923
Title: Andrew Carnegie: Organizer for Service
Significance: Discusses individual rights
Occasion: Address at the Founders’ Day Celebration of Carnegie Institute
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Date: April 28, 1921
Occasion: First Annual Message to the Congress as President
Significance: Condemns lynching and offers support to African Americans
Location: Washington, D.C.
Date: December 6, 1923
Occasion: Dedication of the Jewish Community Center
Significance: Address to Jewish community
Date: May 3, 1925
Occasion: Address Delivered to the Holy Name Society
Significance: Address to Catholic community
Location: Washington, DC
Date: September 21, 1924