Title: Address to Delegates of Advertising Men
Date: October 29, 1924
Location: Washington, D.C.
Context: Coolidge delivers a brief speech to fifty delegates representing 20,000 advertisers expressing his appreciation of their support and the support of businessmen more generally.
It is a great pleasure to have you gentlemen as my guests. I fully recognize the sacrifice all of you have made by laying aside your private affairs to journey to Washington to tell me of your appreciation of my efforts and to pledge your support in my campaign. Many of you have come from a great distance and I am grateful to you. You have come to give me what I take it to be, a testimony of your approval and appreciation of my conduct of the affairs of the Government.
The Government is a great business. The successful administration of the nation’s business is largely dependent upon the support and cooperation of all interests, among which advertising is highly important.
The Government besides being a business has a great humanitarian interest in the welfare of all the people and the means of advertising has been of great assistance in making this possible. You gentlemen know this and you appreciate it, and I am happy and fortunate to be able to count on your support.
One of the greatest consolations I have is to know that I have the approbation and approval of men in business, like yourselves, who have expressed your genuine sympathy and have given me your support. In return I can only say I am grateful and in return I give you my pledge that I shall continue those policies that have brought peace and prosperity to this nation.
Advertising is now properly recognized as a great constructive force. The Associated Advertising Clubs of the world, with twenty thousand and more members, and their expenditures of millions of dollars annually, is undoubtedly a potent factor in industrial and social development.
I wish to convey to you my hearty sympathy with their efforts for the continuing of betterment of business through the enforcement of the best ethical standards of advertising. To the extent that this shall be accomplished they will contribute to the extension of prosperity and the elevation of all the ideals of the business world.
Citation: The New York Times, October 30, 1924.