Date: July 24, 1930
Location: Northampton, MA
(Original document available here)
Investigation of the Amtorg, which is a Russian trading company, may raise some important question. Our government has no diplomatic relations with Russia. But it is perfectly lawful for our nationals, at their own risk, to trade with Russia, or for her nationals to trade here. Our law excludes from this country persons of certain beliefs and practices which we think are inimical to our government and institutions. But it is not the practice to inquire very minutely into the beliefs of foreigners coming here temporarily for genuine mercantile purposes. Besides, we have held the opinion that trade and time would be the means of restoring Russia. It had been supposed that the agents of Amtorg were not engaged in anything but trade. If an investigation shows that they are taking advantage of the hospitality we have granted them as merchants to participate in activities against our peace and order, our government will take proper notice of that fact. Meantime it is proper to await proof before reaching final judgment. Our people are so thoroughly attached to their own system of self-government that we need not feel it is in imminent danger.
Citation: Calvin Coolidge Says: Dispatches Written by Former-President Coolidge and Syndicated to Newspapers in 1930-1931 (Calvin Coolidge Memorial Foundation)
The Coolidge Foundation gratefully acknowledges the volunteer efforts of Greg Harkenrider who prepared this document for digital publication.