Date: October 4, 1930
Location: Northampton, MA
(Original document available here)
The annual convention of the American Legion, beginning at Boston on October 6, will be a notable event. As we get farther from the war and the veterans grow older, their meetings have less of the aspect of a frolic of exuberant youth and become more the serious affair of mature. and thoughtful men. Consequently, the Legion is more flourishing and holds a higher place in the esteem of all service men and of the public
It is distinctly a patriotic organization. The support of American institutions is the chief object of its members. Because of them order and liberty are more secure. They are firm advocates of peace, which they seek to promote through adequate preparation for national defense and the just and temperate conduct of a self-respecting people toward all the rest of the world.
Because the Legion has come into a position of great power and influence it has great responsibilities. It can set the standard for this generation in public thought and public duty. It can assume a leadership in peace scarcely less important than the. service it performed in war. A grateful country looks to the Legion with increasing confidence.
Citation: Calvin Coolidge Says: Dispatches Written by Former-President Coolidge and Syndicated to Newspapers in 1930-1931 (Calvin Coolidge Memorial Foundation)
The Coolidge Foundation gratefully acknowledges the volunteer efforts of Pamela Mett who prepared this document for digital publication.