Date: September 3, 1930
Location: Northampton, MA
Summary: Coolidge praises the development of transatlantic flight.
(Original document available here)
The airplane flight of Costes and Bellonte from Paris to New York is one of the most spectacular ever made. The danger of adverse winds and fogs had to be surmounted. Weather conditions had to be most favorable. Because of the great hazard involved, the judgment and skill required, these men properly rank as heroes of an epoch making exploit. Where others had failed, they succeeded.
Undoubtedly this flight marks an advance in the art of aviation. It called for a plane of great power and perfect mechanical adjustment. But it raises no new question in military or commercial aviation. It demonstrates that the westward crossing is possible under some conditions, but that regular service is not yet practical. It stands as a great spectacle.
Such flights are of great value in their effect on international comity. When Lindbergh made his historic voyage to Paris, the French people felt almost as much pride in his accomplishment as his own countrymen. It aroused and cemented a most wholesome sentiment of friendship.
Such flights further demonstrate the peculiar international aspect of aviation. It reaches everywhere, breaks down domestic barriers and requires universal rules and regulations for its operation. It hastens the day of good will and co-operation.
Citation: Calvin Coolidge Says: Dispatches Written by Former-President Coolidge and Syndicated to Newspapers in 1930-1931 (Calvin Coolidge Memorial Foundation)
The Coolidge Foundation gratefully acknowledges the volunteer efforts of Fr. Stephen Lawson who prepared this document for digital publication.