Date: January 6, 1893
Context: Coolidge discusses his Greek studies
My Dear Father;
I think I promised to write you again this week and so will take the time now to do so.
I had a very pleasant time at Ludlow, saw many of my old school friends.
I have moved to my new room it is at the top of the hill from my old one, a few rods nearer the hotel.
Rooms are hard to get at this time of the year.
It is entirely furnished except sheets and pillow slips; lighted and heated and partially cared for.
I pay $45, for the rest of the year Taking out the expense of heat light and care it is considerably cheaper than $60, would be at Trott’s, and the room is much warmer and just as satisfactory to me though it is not quite so elaborate.
I finished with Greek prose all right, only two of us got through he made the others take another exam. and then told them it would take a year for them to know anything about it but that he would let them through to get rid of them.
How cold it was Wed. 14° below at Ludlow, Goodrich said it was 36° below at Hardwick and 28° to 30° below at St. J.
But it is suppertime so
Good Bye
J Calvin Coolidge
Citation: Your Son, Calvin Coolidge
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The Coolidge Foundation thanks Marisol Balderas, who prepared this document for digital publication