Title: Message on the European Corn-Borer
Date: March 21, 1919
Location: Boston, MA
Context: An issue arising when a European insect was doing serious damage to agricultural exports out of the Commonwealth
(Original document available here)
To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives.
There is pending in the general appropriation bill legislation granting money for the extermination of the European corn-borer. It had been expected that there would be money provided for this purpose by the national government. Through lack of time no legislation was enacted on this subject. There is grave danger that an embargo on the export of all agricultural products of the Commonwealth into neighboring territory will be placed by the national government unless proper action is taken by the Commonwealth.
Being advised that on account of the early spring it is necessary to undertake this work immediately, and also having in mind the opportunity it will afford for employment for returning soldiers, sailors and marines, it is recommended that an appropriation be made for this work of extermination before final action on the general appropriation bill.
Citation: Messages to the General Court, Official Addresses, Proclamations and State Papers of His Excellency Governor Calvin Coolidge
The Coolidge Foundation gratefully acknowledges the volunteer efforts of Richard Link, who prepared this document for digital publication.