Outreach Programs

Painting by Arthur Keller: “The Swearing in of Calvin Coolidge by His Father”, used with permission from VT Division for Historic Preservation. Picture courtesy Vermont Division for Historic Preservation, President Calvin Coolidge State Historic Site.

Outreach Programs available in your classroom or meeting place:

  • Presentation, “I was ready” follows the series of events leading to President Calvin Coolidge’s unique inauguration: Includes artifacts and writing activity.
  • Program on the story of Calvin Coolidge using his Autobiography, diaries, letters, maps, photos, and artifacts. Integration of Vermont and U.S. history, 19th century agriculture and village life.
  • Programs are tailored to meet teacher or group’s objectives and are appropriate for groups that have been to the site, those that will not have an opportunity to visit, and those planning to visit.
  • Opportunities to make handmade books such as albums, diaries, and timelines to use with history, writing and art activities. (additional charge)
  • Suitable for Grades 4 through 12 and adult.
  • Nominal fee to cover mileage.

Now scheduling History Exploration Visits to President Calvin Coolidge State Historic Site.