Date: April 19, 1927
Location: Washington, D.C.
(Original document available here)
I haven’t any more information about the appointment of a Federal Judge in California. It is my recollection that Senator Shortridge was in just before he went away and I think the matter was mentioned, he saying that he wasn’t ready yet to make any recommendation, and my impression was that the matter was to set along, nothing very definite about it, waiting some recommendation from him. Senator Johnson has made a recommendation. I had assumed that perhaps Senator Shortridge was going to make inquiries after he reached California as to the immediate necessity for the appointment of a Judge.
I don’t know what is going to be done about the land office at Guthrie, Oklahoma. I think a letter did come in from State Senator Elmer Thomas, of Oklahoma – he is State Senator, that isn’t the name of the new United Seates Senator?
Press: U.S. Senator.
President: U. S. Senator, of course; I had forgotten his name. A letter did come in from him and it was referred by me to the Department of the Interior.
I have already spoken about my interview with Senator Shortridge.
I am not proposing anything like a reorganization of the Federal Farm Board. Some of the present members are going off the Board. I shall have to look about for some one to take their places. I would like of course to make that Board function as actively and energetically as possible, especially in relation to the Intermediate Credit Banks. The Land Banks and the Intermediate Credit Banks of course are comparatively new institutions. They have done a very remarkable piece of work, I think, and have met with general approbation, and my desire is to strengthen them in every possible way and see that they provide service to the limit of their possibilities. One of the difficulties is the financing of agricultural land, and also of crops and cooperative associations. I want to have that work, as I say, as effective as possible. While I am not at all familiar with the details, it has been thought that perhaps additional methods to those excellent methods that are already in operation might be provided for increasing the facilities and service, especially of the Intermediate Credit Banks.
The State Department I am informed has sent a cable relative to the reported capture of Miss Mary I. Craig, an American missionary, and our representatives in China are making every possible effort to secure her immediate release.
I haven’t any information about the purchase of cotton cloth for the making of balloons for the Navy Department. It goes without saying that the Department always gives preference to domestic produce, but of course it has to observe the requirements of the statutes, which are to the effect that it shall give due consideration to the offer of the lowest bidder. I think it always leans over backwards to give orders that will provide for the use of materials of domestic manufacture.
We have given out all the news that has come from Nicaragua. It appeared to me from the dispatches from that country that the Government forces of President Diaz were prevailing in the field and that indications were that the country might very soon be pacified. Of course, as soon as that condition is reached I shall be in a position to withdraw a very large part of the American forces. I don’t know how soon all of them could be withdrawn. It would be entirely for future consideration. But, of course, that would be the goal toward which we should be working. The last time that the marines went in, I think they had to remain 12 or 13 years. I should hope that nothing of that kind would be necessary on this occasion.
There isn’t any change in the policy towards China. It is that of furnishing refuge for our citizens there and removing them.
I didn’t speak of Mr. Hoover’s abilities the other day. I had rather assumed that that would be assumed by the conference. His reputation is so well established in this country, and indeed abroad, for ability and executive achievement that I doubt very much if I should be able to shake it even if I wished to. Certainly, I have no desire to do that and shouldn’t want to be thought so lacking in appreciation of a man of his abilities as to think that he wasn’t well qualified for any position in the Cabinet that he would be willing to accept. Of course, the place that he is in now is one of great importance and of constantly increasing importance, not only on account of our domestic commerce, but on account of our foreign commerce, which under his direction and encouragement has very greatly increased and shows promise of further increase in the future.
I have here some very interesting questions proposed by Mr. Vining of the Toronto Star, but as they are not in relation to any current news I hardly think I would wish to go into them. They are questions of a general nature that is exemplified by the first one: “If the Executive were a young man today what work would he choose to do?” That would be rather difficult to answer.
Citation: Calvin Coolidge: Remarks by the President to Newspaper Correspondents
The Coolidge Foundation gratefully acknowledges the volunteer efforts of John McLeod who prepared this document for digital publication.