Date: December 17, 1926
Location: Washington, D.C.
(Original document available here)
I haven’t made any final plans to go to Trenton, other than to say that I am expecting to go. I suppose some of the press would expect to go along. Well, you will get notice from Mr. Sanders on in in due time. It comes on Wednesday the 29th and it is a dinner up there held in the evening. Leave here some time during the day.
Press: Will there be a speech?
President: Yes.
Press: Will you return during the night?
President: I expect to return the same day.
I haven’t any information about any plans in relation to the organization of the National the South or in any other part of the nation. Nothing has been said to me about that. If there is anything to be developed about it, you can probably get your information from Chairman Butler who will be in town frequently I think.
On next Monday December 20th the 3 Army airplanes are going to start from Kelley Field, San Antonio, Texas, on their Pan-American flight. They have been given very favorable publicity in Latin-America and there is a full realization here and there, I mean in South America and this country, that the flight hasn’t anything to do with any military purpose. It is a trip of good will for the purpose of proving the commercial feasibility of airplane communication. We expect that that development may be of especial value to the South American countries, as they are not so well provided with means of transportation, either by highway or by railroad, as we are in this country. Oftentimes there are very great engineering difficulties and it is a situation that would lend itself especially to airplane transportation facilities. So that we are hoping that this trip may prove very advantageous in that direction.
I haven’t received any intimation of any resignation of W. Sherman Wall, the U. S. District Attorney at Louisville, Ky. So far as I know, his services have been satisfactory and from any information I have he is expecting to retain the office, though I assume from this inquiry that is made by the Courier Journal that there may be some –
Press: A telegram, Mr. President, said he had announced that he had resigned and sent his resignation to you.
President: It hasn’t reached here. It might possibly be sent to the Attorney General, though I assume it would be sent direct to me.
Citation: Calvin Coolidge: Remarks by the President to Newspaper Correspondents
The Coolidge Foundation gratefully acknowledges the volunteer efforts of Josh Kim who prepared this document for digital publication.