Press Conference, February 25, 1927

Date: February 25, 1927

Location: Washington, D.C.

(Original document available here)

THE PRESIDENT: I expect to get the Board of Radio Commissioners ready to send up for confirmation at this session. As always happens when there are limitations put on the appointing power, it takes some longer to select a person. This commission is to be divided up as to location. I do not know whether the theory is whether the radio works differently in one section than it does in another, or just what lay in the minds of the Congress. They provided for one each from five districts – not more than three of which should belong to any one political party. There is some difficulty even now in the country whether one belongs to a political party or not. I have had filed, I think, about nine hundred applications for this place. I want to get some one that has some general knowledge of the radio or broadcasting business – something of an expert in relation to it. I would like to have some one too – if I can find them – that knows something about public service regulation. And then, of course, business experience and legal ability are always helpful on a commission of this nature.

I do not think there is anything that has come to my attention that has not already been published or amplified in relation to the proposal of the British to send a cruiser or something of that kind to Nicaragua. They have suffered some damage down there. I think the Italians have also filed some claim for the damages they have suffered. There was quite a considerable amount of damage in one of the cities as a result of the disorder that is somewhat prevalent in Nicaragua. One of the towns there suffered quite severely from fire. I do not think any foreigners have been killed, but I do not know what personal injuries may have come to them. I think the losses have been almost entirely in the nature of property losses. The British have the same interest in protecting their nationals that we have in protecting ours. They have considerable investments there. They have spoken to us twice, I think, about the situation in Nicaragua and suggested that we do what we could to protect their nationals – the property of their nationals. Of course that went along with the protection of our own people down there. It has been usual for this government to interpose if a foreign government has taken any action which looked to be in the nature of occupying territory in any of the Latin-American countries. I think it has been generally recognized that they are undertaking to protect their citizens and the property of their citizens located i n those countries. Of course that isn’t anything to which this country would object. That is, I think a line has been drawn between landing to occupy territory, for instance, until such time as debts and obligations might be met and sending some force that might act in the nature of a police authority. As I recall it, President Roosevelt made very strong objection to Germany seizing and holding territory in Venezuela until Venezuela had settled certain claims that the Germans had. It has not usually been necessary for European governments to send forces over here. I do not understand that the British are expecting to land any forces in Nicaragua. They are sending over a vessel that could he used to take away their nationals in case they wish to come away. No other method is provided for their transportation.

QUERY: Could you say whether any American properly has been damaged in Nicaragua?

THE PRESIDENT: Yes, some has but I do not know the extent of it. We are trying to prevent that by taking the step of trying to save a stitch in time.

Citation: Calvin Coolidge: Remarks by the President to Newspaper Correspondents 

The Coolidge Foundation gratefully acknowledges the volunteer efforts of Chip Ross who prepared this document for digital publication.

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