Date: July 24, 1928
Location: Superior, WI
(Original document available here)
The situation in Nicaragua seems to be progressing very satisfactorily. The operations of Sandino apparently have entirely ceased and the different bands of bandits have pretty much surrendered. It is reported, as I understand it, that Sandino has left Nicaragua. There is no absolute certainty of that, but that is my information. There is no active or armed opposition to what the county is trying to do, so far as we know at the present time.
I haven’t very much information about China. That which I have is favorable. There is no interference so far with our nations and order is very well preserved over there.
I had a letter from Senator Curtis saying that he would like to come up here very much, but he was so busy with political matters that he doubted if he would be able to get away to come.
The visit of Mr. Cochrane is without any particular significance. He hasn’t been very well for about a year I think. At the time we were in the Yellowstone last year he went West. His visit here is of the same nature, mainly social.
Considerable consideration has been given to a successor to Mr. Olds, Undersecretary of State. It is not probable that a career man will be used for that purpose. It is my impression that that would sort of take him out of his career and leave him somewhat stranded. What is needed there is a person well versed in international law, a somewhat different type of man than a career man.
I want to go out on the Lake some time. I have no special plans about it. I am not particularly interested in lake fishing. I fish, as I explained before, because it gives me some reason to be in the open air. I like to catch a fish once in a while, often enough to keep ray interest up. But it is a matter of recreation rather than of getting fish.
I think it is very improbable that I shall go to LaCrosse to dedicate the wild life refuge. I have done what I could to promote that legislation in Washington, tend have been successful in it, and will let somebody else celebrate the dedication.
I am accepting Dr. Work’s resignation this morning with a communication which will be given to the press, to take effect on the qualification of his successor. Mr. West is leaving today I think for Washington and will reach there tomorrow morning to take up the duties of the office.
I had an invitation to go to the circus at Ashland. That is quite a distance from here, about the same distance from Cedar Island as Superior is. You can keep in touch with Mr. Sanders about that to see that appropriate arrangements are made for the entertainment of the press, if I go out there.
Question: What day would that likely be?
President: Sometime in August, I think about the second. I had a wire about it this morning. Perhaps Mrs. Coolidge will go, if I don’t.
Citation: Calvin Coolidge: Remarks by the President to Newspaper Correspondents
The Coolidge Foundation gratefully acknowledges the volunteer efforts of David McCann who prepared this document for digital publication.