Date: July 6, 1928
Location: Washington, D.C.
(Original document available here)
I am going to have the Friday conference hereafter at 10:30, so that I will be able to get home to lunch.
Of course, I have given some thought to a successor to Dr. Work, but haven’t yet determined about any one.
I presume some recommendations have come in relative to a successor to Judge Smith of the Board of Customs Appeals, but I haven’t any of them in mind just now. When there is a vacancy of that kind it is quite reasonable to suppose that different suggestions are made. I haven’t had an opportunity to take up the matter yet. There is no particular hurry about it.
I don’t know of any petition coming here relative to clemency for Malcolm Howard, a colored man that has been sentenced to be executed in the District of Columbia Monday. The petition would naturally go to the Dept. of Justice.
Mr. Sanders: Nothing has come here, Mr. President.
President: I haven’t made any final decision about going to Cannon Falls, Minnesota, on the 29th of July. It is possible that I may go over there, but not to make any extended address if I go. I might speak eight or 10 minutes, but quite naturally I came up here to get a little respite from the ordinary procedure of making speeches and so on, and I don’t want to start in on it.
Secretary Kellogg indicated that he would come up here some time. 1 don’t know just when he is coming. No final arrangement has been made about it.
Citation: Calvin Coolidge: Remarks by the President to Newspaper Correspondents
The Coolidge Foundation gratefully acknowledges the volunteer efforts of Mitch Rushing who prepared this document for digital publication.