Date: June 18, 1926
Location: Washington, D.C.
(Original document available here)
Ladies and Gentlemen:
There are no developments so far as I know in relation to the French Debt except what
have already appeared in the press.
I haven’t perfected my plans about going to White Pine Camp. I don’t expect to go there from Philadelphia. I shall undoubtedly come back here.
I don’t know of any developments in the Tacna-Arica matter except those which have already been reported. There is nothing that can be done by our Government at present about that until we see what effect the recent developments have.
I withdrew the nominations that I made for the new Judicial District in Georgia because they went in as a combination. I understood that Mr. Tilson was not satisfactory to the Committee up there — the Committee on Judiciary of the Senate — and if one of the nominations was not to be confirmed, then I don’t want any of the others confirmed. I don’t know whether I can get three other names to send in at this session or not. It is I think very doubtful. I shall have to wait and see what develops in relation to those nominations.
I haven’t seen the Bingham-Jarrett Bill for a Pan-Pacific Conference on Education, Reclamation and Recreation, to be held at Honolulu this summer. I think it has been customary to hold some kind of a conference at Honolulu each summer in which the United States Government takes part by sending out representatives from the various Departments. No doubt the Government would expect to send out representatives to this conference. I rather doubt whether it is necessary to have legislation, but Senator Bingham and Representative Jarrett may have something in mind that would require legislation and which would be helpful to the proposed conference this summer.
There isn’t anything further that I can say about legislation affecting the Philippines than what I have already said.
Chairman O’Connor will continue in his position as Chairman of the Shipping Board. His
time has not expired yet.
I have spoken about the Judicial District, and I have also spoken about the Tacna-Arica matter.
I am not certain whether it will be necessary or desirable for the Boundary Commission to go on with their work on the Chilcaya Boundary. It is my off-hand impression that that was not connected exactly with the settlement of the Tacna-Arica dispute except as it fixes the boundary of one of the provinces. That would leave it , would it not? If there is nothing to be done at present about the solution of the Tacna-Arica problem, there is no particular reason for running this boundary. The boundary, as I understood it , was to fix the exact line between Chili and the southern province. If nothing is to be done about the province, I assume there is no pressing need for a very careful delimitation of the boundary.
Citation: Calvin Coolidge: Remarks by the President to Newspaper Correspondents
The Coolidge Foundation gratefully acknowledges the volunteer efforts of Vincent Scanlan who prepared this document for digital publication.