Date: May 11, 1928
Location: Washington, D.C.
(Original document available here)
I haven’t made any final plans about ray vacation. The press is at liberty to go on printing unconfirmed rumors about any good town that they think might be helped by the advertising. Asheville, N.C., is a fine place. There are several places in Virginia. There is a very good place down off the Georgia coast, on an island. They would be glad to have us come out to the Black Hills again. It has been suggested that I could go up to the Adirondacks again. There are some places up near New London that have been brought to my attention. And don’t forget about Bar Harbor. There is a nice place up in New Hampshire, and Vermont is full of nice places.
How about Lake Minnetonka in Minnesota?
President: That is a very good place, but lets wait until the next conference. We don’t want to get in too many at once.
The flood bill hasn’t come to me yet. It has been sent here and sent to the Departments as a matter of course. I have forgotten whether it has gone to the War Dept. or to the Bureau of the Budget. I expect a favorable report and expect to sign it.
It was brought to my attention today that the National Zeitung of Berlin on the 21st of April printed what they said was an article by me. I never wrote any such article and never authorized it. It was an entire fake. Yet it had a heading on it which was signed “The Editor”, saying that it was my article. I tell you that so if you see it none of you may feel slighted because you didn’t get the fake.
Question: Could you tell us what the story was?
It purported to be some statement by me about American conditions, international relations, and so on. I didn’t read it.
Citation: Calvin Coolidge: Remarks by the President to Newspaper Correspondents
The Coolidge Foundation gratefully acknowledges the volunteer efforts of Jon Raso who prepared this document for digital publication.