Date: May 25, 1928
Location: Washington, D.C.
(Original document available here)
I haven’t seen the Muscle Shoals bill and know but very little about it. I will take it and look at it when it comes and try and decide it on the merits. I have discussed that problem several times in my messages. If you want my views more in detail you will find them there. I have of course been trying to get Muscle Shoals out of the hands of the Government and into private operation. I hope that this wouldn’t put us any further into Government operation than we are now.
I don’t know of anything more that I can say about the farm situation than what I said in my message at the opening of the session and what I said in my veto the other day. Of course, at the end of the session there is always more or less excitement in the Congress, much less this time than there has been at others. Congress apparently will be able to finish up its business in pretty good order. One of the gratifying things about the present session is the way the appropriation bills have been taken care of. I think they are substantially within the recommendations that I made in the budget. Some are a little more and some are a little less. But in general I think it is just about what the budget recommended, which is a very gratifying outcome.
Citation: Calvin Coolidge: Remarks by the President to Newspaper Correspondents
The Coolidge Foundation gratefully acknowledges the volunteer efforts of Kelly Hess who prepared this document for digital publication.