Date: October 28, 1927
Location: Washington, DC
(Original document available here)
I think my relationship to the case of Admiral Magruder has already been fully published.
I think Congressman Porter has been mentioned as a possibility for appointment to the office of Governor General of the Philippines. My offhand reaction to that is that he holds such an important place in the Congress, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations, and is doing other Congressional work of a good deal of moment, that I would hesitate very much to displace him.
I haven’t reached any final decision about a Governor of the Philippines.
I don’t recall any communications from representatives of the chemical industry favoring legislation to revise the Sherman Anti-Trust law. It is very possible, though, that such communications have been addressed to me.
Do you recall any such communications of recent date?
Mr. Clark: Nothing of recent date.
President: Mr. Clark says he doesn’t recall any, I think it is more likely that some effort in that direction might be made by the producers of petroleum than by the chemical industry, on the ground, I assume, that it is a very limited natural product and that there ought to be an opportunity for the producers of it to make some kind of an arrangement for its conservation, which I think they claim they cannot do now without running counter to the provisions of the anti-trust law. It is desirable, of course, to conserve our petroleum. I should want to make a very careful exploration of every other avenue, before resorting to any change in the anti-trust law. We might give them a different status from that held by other industries.
I do not think that Secretary of War Davis has returned yet from the Mississippi region. I saw yesterday or today some reference to an address that he 01517 M 2. had made, I think at Memphis, which would indicate that he had not yet reached New Orleans. I think he told me that when he went away it would take him two or three weeks. He was going to go up to the Twin Cities and down as far as New Orleans.
I haven’t given any thought to the method of going up to Philadelphia. I assume some members of the press will go up. I suppose they would prefer to travel by train, rather than by automobile.
Citation: Calvin Coolidge: Remarks by the President to Newspaper Correspondents
The Coolidge Foundation gratefully acknowledges the volunteer efforts of Horace Mello who prepared this document for digital publication.