Press Conference, September 7, 1928

Date: September 7, 1928

Location: Superior, WI.

(Original document available here)

I haven’t laid out any detailed plans about going to Vermont. I expected to go in case they want me to come. I have written to the Governor since I have been up here. I don’t know whether he made any detailed response or not. Do you recall, Mr. Sanders?

Mr. Sanders: I don’t think it reached that stage.

President: If we go we shall probably either on our way up or back go to Northampton to see how Mrs. Goodhue is.

Representative Newton has been in this morning. He talked with me about the recurring subject of navigation of the Mississippi. The barge line they are putting in there is developing fairly well, and I am interested too in future action regarding the depth of the channel. That is something that will come up for consideration, probably not during my administration, but very soon. And he is conferring with Mr. Sanders, who was director of the Speakers’ Bureau four years ago for such information as he could get from him. Of course, he thinks the speaking end of the campaign is being satisfactorily laid out.

As I indicated to the press conference the other day I have been undertaking for the past five years to give an administration that might commend itself to the country. I am proposing to continue that up until election day. I haven’t any plans for any other special part in the campaign. I do not know what may develop along that line.

I have the thanks here of the press members of Superior and Duluth. It has been a pleasure to have them come in and a satisfaction to cooperate with them in getting the news of the Presidential office for the local press. I am very glad to have an opportunity to thank them for the many courtesies that the local press has extended to us, to myself and my family and the office force, since we have been here in this part of the country.

Citation: Calvin Coolidge: Remarks by the President to Newspaper Correspondents

The Coolidge Foundation gratefully acknowledges the volunteer efforts of J. Mitchell Rushing who prepared this document for digital publication.

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