Title: Statement Relative to the Ninety-Eight Anniversary of the Establishment of Greece
Date: March 27, 1919
Location: Boston, MA
Context: Recognizing Greece as an independent nation on its 98th anniversary and in showing our acceptance and friendliness for them, Coolidge encourages private citizens to fly the Greek flag on April 7th
(Original document available here)
To the People of Massachusetts.
April 7 will represent the ninety-eighth anniversary of the establishment of Greece as an independent Nation. It is fitting and highly proper that we who have received so much in letters, in art and in architecture from this ancient land should pay more than passing attention to the event. We have been enriched by the many citizens of Greek parentage who have made our Commonwealth their permanent home.
There is a provision in our law that prohibits the flying of a flag of a foreign Nation upon public buildings except upon the occasion of a visit from a representative of that Nation who is a guest of our Nation or of this State. But there is no provision against the flying of flags by private citizens, and I urge generally that upon this day the flag of the Greek Nation be flown in conjunction with the American flag, to the end that our thoughts may be directed toward the friendliness of Greece and the vast debt we owe to that land for the treasures that have come to us from the past. Wherever people gather on that day, I suggest the setting aside of a period to do homage to Greece as a Nation, and to her people who have endowed the world with so many blessings.
Citation: Messages to the General Court, Official Addresses, Proclamations and State Papers of His Excellency Governor Calvin Coolidge
The Coolidge Foundation gratefully acknowledges the volunteer efforts of David Diao, who prepared this document for digital publication.