Veto of HR 7900, May 18, 1928

Date: May 18, 1928

Bill Vetoed: H.R. 7900. Granting allowances for rent, fuel, light, and equipment to postmasters of the fourth class, and for other purposes

Fate of Veto: Unchallenged

(Original document available here)

To the House of Representatives:

Herewith is returned, without approval, H. R. 7900, a bill granting allowances for rent, fuel, light, and equipment to postmasters of the fourth class, and for other purposes.

The bill would necessitate an increase of approximately $2,865,000 in the annual postal expenditures, based upon the aggregate compensation of postmasters of the fourth class for the fiscal year 1927. This amount would be increased or decreased as the compensation of postmasters for the fiscal year 1929 increases or decreases.

It is well known that fourth-class post offices are generally carried on in connection with the private business of the postmasters, usually in country stores, and are regarded as beneficial to the business. The space occupied is ordinarily insignificant and the location of the post office in the storerooms seldom involves additional expense for rent, light, and fuel.

The compensation of postmasters of the fourth class was materially increased by the act of June 5, 1920; again by the act of July 21, 1921; and again by the act approved February 28, 1925. In the debates preceding the passage of these acts the fact that postmasters at offices of the fourth class are required to furnish at their own expense quarters, including light and fuel, was brought out. It is not improbable, therefore, that part of the increase in compensation granted by these acts was due to the fact that the postmasters are required to furnish these facilities.

I believe that postmasters of fourth-class post offices are now reasonably compensated and, therefore, am not in favor of the additional compensation which this bill provides for.

Citation: Proceedings and Debates of the First Session of the Seventieth Congress of the United States of America

The Coolidge Foundation gratefully acknowledges the volunteer efforts of Kelly Hess who prepared this document for digital publication.

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