Purpose: To Invite Nations to Participate in an International Exhibition Celebrating the 150th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence Date: March 19, 1925 (Original document available here) WHEREAS, by a Joint Resolution approved […]
Read MoreFifth Annual Message to the Congress of the United States
October 29, 2020
Title: Fifth Annual Message to the Congress of the United States Date: December 6, 1927 Location: Washington D.C. Context: Speech on the state of the union in most aspects, highlighting […]
Read MoreTags: Agriculture, Air Mail, Alien Property, American Indian, Coal, Commercial Aviation, Constructive Economy, Cuban Mail, Department of Labor, Education, Farm Loan System, Flood Control, foreign relations, Historical Celebrations, Inland Navigation, Merchant marine, Muscle Shoals, National Defense, Negro, Panama Canal, Petroleum Conservation, Prohibition, public buildings, railroad consolidation, Roads, tariff, tax reduction, Territories, veterans