Title: Annual Luncheon of Associated Press Date: April 22, 1924 Location: Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York, NY (Original document available here) The gathering and publication of news has a deeper significance than […]
Read MoreAddress at the Observance of the Tenth Anniversary of the Armistice under the Auspices of the American Legion
February 16, 2021
Title: Address at the Observance of the Tenth Anniversary of the Armistice under the Auspices of the American Legion Date: November 11, 1928 Location: The Washington Auditorium, Washington D.C. Context: Paying tribute […]
Read MoreTags: acknowledge commitment, domestic relations, expense, fiscal recovery, foreign relations, great conflict, honorable sacrifices, human freedom, Integrity, mutual understanding, national character, national conscience, National Defense, naval limitations, preparedness, readiness, safeguarding peace, self-defense, supreme blessing, Unity, war debts