The Coolidge Quarterly

‎The Real Calvin Coolidge


The Real Calvin Coolidge was a series of booklets originally put out by the Calvin Coolidge Memorial Foundation from 1983 to 2005. Comprised of eighteen volumes, The Real Calvin Coolidge offered insights into the life of our thirtieth president, and featured a variety of articles written by historians, Plymouth locals, Coolidge family, and others who knew and were influenced by him.  Book reviews were also a feature, and earlier issues even featured commentary by Grace Coolidge. These booklets have now been digitized and uploaded here in their entirety.


Volume 1 (1983)

The Real Calvin Coolidge comment by Grace Coolidge

President Coolidge, Salesman by Alfred E. Smith

$3.25 A Word! by Richard H. Waldo

When Blame Was Praise by Andrew W. Mellon

His Silence and His Thrift by Bernard M. Baruch

$1,000,000,000 for Prohibition by Theodore Roosevelt

A Little Girl’s Sore Finger by Mrs. Dwight W. Morrow

Why He Did Not “Choose to Run” by Hubert Work

Nice Custom by Richard J. Rahar

A Depression Even More Depressing by Otis Skinner

The President and the Flowers by Roy O. West


Volume 2 (1984)

The Real Calvin Coolidge comment by Grace Coolidge

His First Job by Henry P. Field

How to Escape a Lecture by Will Rogers

“I Want a Raise!” by Ernest Cady Perry

President and Prince Autograph a Bucket by Henry Ford

His Only Defeat by John J. Kennedy

Football “Medicine” by James F. Coupal, M.D.

The President Shouldn’t Know Too Much by Bruce Barton


Volume 3 (1985)

In Defense of a “Foreign” Painter by Ercole Cartotto

He Saw Beyond Congress by Charles G. Dawes

“Things I Did Not Say” by Dwight F. Davis

When the President Wept by John T. Lambert

Calvin Coolidge and Vermont: Some Reflections by Victor R. Swenson

The Resurrection of Calvin Coolidge by J. R. Greene

Book Reviews

Coolidge and the Historians (1982) by Thomas B. Silver

The Carving of Mount Rushmore (1985) by Rex Alan Smith


Volume 4 (1986)

Coolidge’s Boyhood by Ernest S. Kavanagh

Calvin Coolidge: The Twilight Years by Richard Norton Smith

Book Reviews

Return to These Hills (1986) by Jane Curtis, Will Curtis & Frank Lieberman


Volume 5 (1987)

The Inspiration of the Declaration by Calvin Coolidge

Monumental History by Daniel J. Heisey

The Beeches by Daisy Mathias & Robert Nelson

Book Reviews

The President’s House by William Seale

Calvin Coolidge Meets Charles Edward Garman by John Almon Waterhouse


Volume 6 (1988)

Birthplace of Grace Goodhue Coolidge by Clifford A. Pease, Jr., M.D.

Yankees in the White House by Irving Bell

The Death and Funeral of Calvin Coolidge by Todd W. Van Beck

When “Silent Cal” Used Cocaine by Milton F. Heller, Jr.

Book Reviews

Calvin Coolidge & His Family: An Annotated Bibliography (1987) by Clifford A. Pease, Jr., M.D.

Calvin Coolidge: A Biography in Picture Postcards (1987) by J.R. Greene

First Ladies (1987) by Betty Boyd Caroli

Presidential Wives: An Anecdotal History (1988) by Paul F. Boller, Jr.


Volume 7 (1989)

Play Hide – and – Seek with Silent Cal’s Inaugural Medal by Darrell C. Crain, M.D.

Pepper on Coolidge by Daniel J. Heisey

Calvin Coolidge by George Wharton Pepper

Kentucky Lives: Starling of the White House

Book Reviews

“Coolidge Country” Cookbook by Kathleen E. Donald & John Almon Waterhouse

Calvin Coolidge/Encyclopedia of Presidents Series (1988) by Zachary Kent

A President in a Two-Family House, Calvin Coolidge of Northampton by Allison Lockwood

All the Presidents Ladies – Anecdotes of the Women Behind the Men in the White House (1988) by Peter Hay

Homes of the Presidents (1987) by Bill Harris


Volume 8 (1990)

A Democrat Views Coolidge by John Karol

The Calvin Coolidge Papers at the Library of Congress by John E. Haynes

The Real Calvin Coolidge reprinted from Good Housekeeping, May 1935

The Three Purgatories by Herbert Hoover w/ Mrs. Coolidge’s comments

Book Reviews

Grace and Cal by Gloria May Stoddard by Clifford A. Pease, Jr., M.D.

A Modern View of the Coolidge Image – Popular Images of American Presidents by J. R. Greene


Volume 9 (1992)

Calvin Coolidge Speaks by Howard M. Packard

Championing the Negro by John G. Sargent – comments by Mrs. Coolidge

The Great Auto Fraud by John Coolidge – comments by Mrs. Coolidge

The Rejected War Memorial – comments by Mrs. Coolidge

Book Reviews

Harry S. Truman, Where the Buck Stops: The Personal and Private Writings of Harry S. Truman, by Daniel J. Heisey

Eliot Asinof, 1919: America’s Loss of Innocence – by J. R. Greene


Volume 10 (1994)

Grace Coolidge and the Clarke School for the Deaf by Charles McPhail Anderson

Grace Goodhue Coolidge by Susan Webb

Grace Coolidge – The First Lady of Baseball by David Pietrusza

Book Reviews

Grace Goodhue Coolidge: An Autobiography by Lewis L. Gould


Volume 11 (1995)

Calvin Coolidge at Black River Academy by Hendrick Booraem V

“Actor Jim Cooke is Setting the Record Straight” by Tom Slayton

“Suzanne (Boone) Spends a Night at the White House” – oral history interview with Admiral Boone

Book Reviews

Jack Beatty, The Rascal King: The Life and Times of James Michael Curley (1874 – 1958) by Daniel J. Kelley


Volume 12 (1997)

Letters unearthed by Lawrence E. Wikander

Letters to President Calvin Coolidge from his Aunt Gratia Wilder of Plymouth, VT. Entitles “Aunt Grace Writes Her Nephew”

Correspondence from Calvin Coolidge’s Personal Files; “Absentee Landlord”

Book Reviews

Seeing Calvin Coolidge in a Dream by John Derbyshire

First Ladies: An Intimate Group portrait of White House Wives by Margaret Truman


Volume 13 (1998)

Celebration of the 75th anniversary of Calvin Coolidge’s homestead inaugural.

Will Rogers and Calvin Coolidge by Lawrence Wikander

Dramatis Personae: Plymouth Notch, Vermont, Thursday-Friday, August 2-3, 1923 by Jim Cooke

The Second Oath by Lawrence Wikander

Book Reviews

America in the Twenties and Thirties: The Olympian Age of FDR by Sean Dennis Cashman

Anxious Decades: America in Prosperity and Depression, 1920-1941 by Michael E. Parrish


Volume 14 (1999)

The Boones and the Coolidges by Milton Heller

Grace and Calvin’s Pets in the White House by David Pietrusza

Oratory in History by Calvin Coolidge


Volume 15 (2000)

The Religion of Calvin Coolidge: From Rural Vermont to the White House by Dr. Donald E. Harpster

The Coolidges and Their Churches by Lawrence Wikander

Book Reviews

The American President by Philip B. Kunhardt, Jr.


Volume 16 (2001)

Calvin Coolidge’s Third Oath, Washington – March 4, 1925: The 75th Anniversary by Jerry L. Wallace


Volume 17 (2002)

“Round Robbin” Letters of Grace Anna Goodhue in the Pi Beta Phi Fraternity by Fran DeSimone Becque


Volume 18 (2005)

The Liberty Memorial building in Kansas City, by Jerry L. Wallace

Mimi Baird’s Trip to Kansas, by Cassie Horner