Date: Undated, 1926
Context: Grace writes John during the spring semester of his sophomore year at Amherst. She starts by telling John she has sent along a letter from Dr. Irvine. William Irvine was the headmaster at Mercersburg Academy, where John went to preparatory school. At only 28, Irvine was the president of Mercersburg College when it transitioned to Mercersburg Academy in 1893. He served as the academy’s headmaster until his death in 1928.
Dear John,
I have here three letters from Dr. Irvine and one from Ruth Marden which I think you will like to see and you need not return them.
Father was pleased with the letter you wrote him, said he thought it was a good letter. However, I think he still considers it the best plan for you to go to summer school. In the back of my mind I have been thinking there might be an opportunity for you to take some vocal lessons in that connection—but do not let me raise any false hopes for father may frown us down if we suggest it.
Grandfather grows weaker and does not take much nourishment. They give him opiates and father did not try to talk with him when he called up last night. He said when he was talking with him Monday he thought it might be the last time. I wish I could be up there but I do not suppose I could do anything for him that isn’t being done and father says he cannot spare me. The roads are in bad shape and are not broken out through the mountain.
Take good care of yourself, John. I am glad you had a pleasant time at Spring Dance.
My best love,
Citation: Coolidge Family Papers, Vermont Historical Society
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