Date: September 6, 1927
Location: Rapid City, SD
(Original document available here)
I understand that the White House will be all ready for occupancy when we arrive back in Washington, so that it is my expectation that we shall go right there.
I haven’t received any report from Senator Jones on any poll of the Senate. I didn’t know that he was taking any relative to a special session.
Question: Didn’t we understand you to say that the Senate would be worth exploring?
President: I said I thought it would be worth exploring the question, that thequestion ought to be explored, and I said that I wanted to talk with some Senators about it. I didn’t say that Senator Jones would probably do anything further about it.
I expect that there will be a press conference Friday. I am not certain, but I think there will be.
There isn’t anything that I would care to say in the way of comment on Senator Bingham’s statement to the press relative to the Philippines or relative to China.
Nor have I any further statement to make relative to the development of the Columbia River Basin.
I didn’t undertake at the last conference to express any views on the bankers’ manifesto. I called attention of the conference to what seemed to me to be a very illuminating editorial article in the Saturday Evening Post issue of September 3rd.
Yes, I feel physically benefited by my stay out here.
I don’t know that the resignation of Lord Cecil from the English Cabinet would have any effect on this country one way or the other. We have had our views about naval disarmament and stated them as clearly as we could. The British Government didn’t agree with us. Lord Cecil indicates now that he personally was inclined to come nearer to an agreement with us than the British Government was. Therefore, he has resigned. With him out of the British Government I should think it was obvious that that left the Government more unanimously in disagreement with our views than it was with Lord Cecil in the Government.
I don’t know of any plans that I have for the remainder of my stay here, other than the usual work. I believe the guard from the 104th Cavalry that we have had at the White House, at the Lodge, will all assemble in front of the Lodge Wednesday and have a picture taken with me. I think that is to be Wednesday. I don’t know if that is of sufficient importance, but it is the only think I can think of.
Question: Is it your intention to come in every day from now on.
President: Yes.
Mr. Young: Mr. President. Not being sure whether we can have a conference Friday, the newspaper men are very anxious to express their appreciation of all you have done this summer for them and they hope you have enjoyed yourself. We have had a good time in addition to our work.
President: It was very kind of you to express yourself in that way. I hope you have enjoyed your stay out here. I think you will have found it very interesting. I know there was some expression when I determined to come out here that perhaps the newspaper men didn’t like the assignment, but so far as I have been able to observe after we arrived here any such feeling as that was entirely dissipated. I am sure the people have done everything possible to make it pleasant for the members of the press and different things have gone on here. While perhaps you wouldn’t care to see them every day, they are new and novel to us, and I am sure have been interesting to you.
Citation: Calvin Coolidge: Remarks by the President to Newspaper Correspondents
The Coolidge Foundation gratefully acknowledges the volunteer efforts of David Diao who prepared this document for digital publication.