2014 New York Gala Awards Dinner

November 17, 2014

Our Second Annual Gala Awards Dinner, held on November 6th, 2014 at the Metropolitan Club in Manhattan, was a smashing success! We congratulate Dr. Donald Boudreaux, the winner of the 2014 Coolidge Prize for Journalism, and the runner-up, Bhekuzulu Khumalo! We also congratulate Sydney Benjamin of Peacham, Vermont, the winner of the 2014 Calvin Prize for Vermont Youth, and runner-up Jay Tilden of St. Johnsbury, Vermont!

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Coolidge and the Battle Over McNary-Haugen

November 10, 2014

During the late 19th century and into the 20th century the farm block of American politics began to demand more from state governments and the federal government. The Populist Party movement, sometimes referred to as “Agrarian Radicalism” took shape in the late 19th century as farmers demanded regulation of railroads, crop supports, and the free and unlimited coinage of silver, among other reforms. Peter Zavodnyik, in The Rise of the Federal Colossus: The Growth of Federal Power from Lincoln to F.D. R. wrote:

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Calvin Coolidge and Ronald Reagan

October 30, 2014

In his autobiography, Ronald Reagan: An American Life, President Ronald Reagan wrote praise of President Calvin Coolidge, saying that he “always thought of Coolidge as one of our most underrated presidents.”[1] Reagan further wrote:

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Sydney Benjamin: A Voice from the Burning Mountains

October 30, 2014

Every autumn, my world catches fire. The trees burn a million shades of red and gold; fall in Vermont brings me a sense of clarity. The air reaches a temperature of utter perfection, school has not yet weighed my back down beyond repair, and, on those beautiful days when I can taste winter coming on my tongue, but the sun is still shining bright in the sky, I feel as though I could stretch out my arms and fly. As I watch the geese begin their migrations, I question whether I, too, should leave this place of wonder.

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Coolidge in the Great Southwest

October 20, 2014

The Southwestern United States is a stunningly beautiful corner of the world. With desert as far as the eye can see, cacti taller than your head, and an ancient heritage of indigenous peoples who pioneered in technology long before the first European settlers arrived, this region of our country holds tremendous treasures that I encourage you all to explore.

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