Calvin Coolidge Speaks at Wheaton College

July 21, 2016

It is interesting how close everything is in New England. As a former Midwesterner, I am used to travelling across large stretches of empty land and entering towns where nobody knows anything about me. That all changed when I moved to Vermont, where I regularly run into distant relatives and towns named after my ancestors (shout-out to Amsden, VT). I now attend Wheaton College in Massachusetts where I study music and psychology, but came back home for a summer to intern with the Calvin Coolidge Presidential Foundation. Connections ensued.

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Electing a President: Coolidge Style

July 21, 2016

Many who follow politics have heard the slogan that both ideas and elections have consequences. The Founding Fathers stated in the Constitution that sovereignty is left with the people and one of the most important rights and responsibilities that we can exercise is the right to vote. Elections, regardless if they are local, state or federal, are important and voters must be informed when they cast their ballots. Russell Kirk wrote that “many Americans are badly prepared for their task of defending their own convictions and interests and institutions against the grim threat of ideology.”[1] Kirk also argued that “ignorance is a luxury none of us can afford” and it is dangerous.[2] Unfortunately our nation suffers from a crisis in civic education as many Americans are ignorant of our history and the foundational principles of our nation. This crisis in civic education also impacts people who cast ballots out of ignorance or who do not even vote for whatever reason.

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Boring Toward Victory: The Story of the 1924 Republican Convention

July 18, 2016

As the Republican Party prepares to convene its nominating convention in Cleveland in July 2016, the party could well look back to 1924 with genuine nostalgia. It was also in Cleveland that the party faithful gathered in 1924, but what a difference 92 years can make. The 1924 Republican convention was universally proclaimed “one of the dullest in history,” while the 2016 convention promises to be a bit more lively.

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President Reagan Extols President Coolidge

July 18, 2016

We were privileged on Monday, July 11th, to receive Paul Walker and Garson Fields from Northampton, Massachusetts, the Coolidge’s adopted hometown. Messrs. Walker and Fields were active in the Calvin Coolidge Commemorative Society back in the 1980s and 1990s. They shared a wonderful scrapbook of news clippings from the society’s heyday, as well as the precious gem linked above. That gem, which we highly encourage you to watch, is a video of America’s 40th president, Ronald Reagan, accepting the 1990 Calvin Coolidge Distinguished Citizen of the Year Award from the Coolidge Commemorative Soicety. In this video President Reagan warms the hearts of all Coolidge admirers as he sings the praises of America’s 30th president, lauding Coolidge for balancing the federal budget, reducing taxes, and promoting peace throughout the world.

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