Title: Thought, the Master of Things Date: July 7, 1921 Location: Philadelphia, PA Context: University of Pennsylvania, at the Annual Meeting of the American Classical League Coolidge praises the classical education and […]
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Title: Banks and the People Date: June 29, 1921 Location: New York, NY Context: Calvin Coolidge speaks at a dinner attended by New England Bankers about their role to the people and […]
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Title: Andrew Carnegie: Organizer for Service Date: April 28, 1921 Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Context: Address at the Founders’ Day Celebration of Carnegie Institute, Coolidge praises the accomplishments and morality of Carnegie (Original document […]
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Tags: America, American, Andrew Carnegie, Character, civilization, Education, Forces of Nature, Government, greatness, hard work, honor, humble, ideals, individualism, Morality, natural resources, Organization, philanthropy, Pittsburgh, Privilege, Rags to Riches, rights, Science, Scottish, Self-Responsibility, Steam Engine, Steel, Welfare
Title: Vice Presidential Inaugural Address Date: March 4, 1921 Location: Washington, D.C. Context: This speech takes place at the swearing-in of Calvin Coolidge as Vice President at U.S. Senate Chamber Five generations ago there […]
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Title: Theodore Roosevelt Date: January 23, 1921 Location: New York City, NY Context: Address as Vice President-elect before the Women’s Roosevelt Memorial Association (Original document available here) Great men are the ambassadors of […]
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