Declamation Videos

“Economy in the Interest of All”

In the summer of 2020 amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, high school students from across the U.S. and Rwanda competed in a Coolidge Foundation contest to declaim speeches penned nearly a century earlier by President Coolidge. This speech, “Economy in the Interest of All,” grapples with the role of the federal government, achieving economic prosperity for all, and fiscal discipline.

Coolidge’s 1927 Christmas Message to the American People

President Coolidge’s 1927 Christmas message reminds us all of the meaning of the spirit of Christmas. During this year of isolation, community is more important than ever. To celebrate Christmas in 2020, the Coolidge Foundation is bringing together dozens of members of the Coolidge Community to recite the President’s message, and share his timeless words. To view more participants, visit here.