The Calvin Coolidge Presidential Foundation received this collection of quotations as a generous gift from David Pietrusza, a Coolidge Foundation member since 1990.
Click the links below to go to various sections of the collection.
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David Pietrusza is the author or editor of nearly three-dozen books, many of them on baseball. He has co-edited Total Baseball: The Official Encyclopedia of Major League Baseball, Baseball: The Biographical Encyclopedia, and The Total Baseball Catalog. He is the co-author (with Ted Williams) of the forthcoming Ted Williams: My Life in Pictures. Pietrusza has also served as managing editor of Total Football: The Official Encyclopedia of the NFL. Pietrusza’s Judge and Jury: The Life and Times of Kenesaw Mountain Landis won the 1998 CASEY Award as best baseball book of the year. His Lights On! was nominated for the 1997 CASEY. From 1993 to 1997 he served as president of the Society for American Baseball Research and is the former editor-in-chief of Total Sports.