MARCH 4, 1921 — AUGUST 2,1923
Compiled by Jerry L. Wallace
Calvin Coolidge knew well and liked Warren G. Harding.
Writing in his Autobiography (p. 180), Mr. Coolidge said this of the Harding Administration in which he served as Vice President:
It would be difficult to find two years of peace-time history in all the record of our republic that were marked with more important and far-reaching accomplishments.
After the Great War, Presidents Harding and Coolidge sought to return the nation to a state of “normalcy,” as Harding put it. What exactly was normalcy? Harding defined it this way:
By “normalcy” I don’t mean the old order, but a regular steady order of things. I mean normal procedure, the natural way, without excess. (New York Times, July 21, 1920, p. 7)
“There is not a menace in the world today like that of growing public indebtedness and mounting public expenditures….There has seemingly grown up an impression that public treasuries are inexhaustible, and a conviction that no efficiency and no economy are ever thought of in public expenses.”
–President Warren G. Harding addressing the first meeting of the Organization of Government Businessmen, consisting of around 600 individuals comprising Vice President Coolidge, Budget Director Charles Gates Dawes, and other high ranking officials, in the auditorium of the Interior Department at the Capital on the afternoon of June 29, 1921.
“Dawes Puts Whole Government Back Of Economy Drive,” New York Times, June 30, 1921, p. 9.
ADAMS, Samuel Hopkins. Incredible Era: The Life And Times of Warren Gamaliel Harding. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1939. 457 pp.
ADAMS, Samuel Hopkins. Revelry. New York: Boni & Liveright, 1926. 318 pp. [Revelry is a novel based on the Harding era.]
ASHER, Cash, ed. He Was “Just Folks.” Chicago: Laird & Lee, Inc., 1923. 200 pp.
BAGBY, Wesley M. The Road To Normalcy: The Presidential Campaign And Election of 1920. Baltimore: John Hopkins Press, 1968. 208 pp.
BLYTHE, Samuel G. A Calm Review of a Calm Man. New York: Cosmopolitan Book Corp., 1923. 47 pp.
BRITTON, Nan. The President’s Daughter. New York: Elizabeth Ann Guild, 1927. 399 pp.
CHAPPLE, Joe Mitchell. Warren G. Harding – The Man. Boston: Chapple Publishing Co., 1920. 128 pp.
CHAPPLE, Joe Mitchell. Life And Times of Warren G. Harding: Our After-War President. Boston: Chapple Publishing Co., 1924. 386 pp.
CUNEO, Sherman A. From Printer To President. Philadelphia: Dorrance, 1922. 153 pp.
DAUGHERTY, Harry M, (in collaboration with Thomas Dixon). The Inside Story of the Harding Tragedy. New York: Churchill Co., 1932. 323 pp.
DEAN, John W. Warren G. Harding. New York: Times Books, 2004. 203 pp.
DOWNES, Randolph C. The Rise Of Warren Gamaliel Harding, 1865 – 1920. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1970. 734 pp.
FERRELL, Robert H. The Strange Deaths of President Harding. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1996. 203 pp.
FREDERICK, Richard G., ed. Warren G. Harding: A Bibliography. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1992.
JOHNSON, Willis Fletcher. The Life of Warren G. Harding: From the Simple Life of the Farm To the Glamor and Power of the White House. 1923. 288 pp.
HARDING, WARREN G. Our Common Country: Mutual Good Will In America. Edited by Warren G. Harding III with an Introduction by Robert H. Ferrell. Originally published in 1921. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, n.d.
HARDING, WARREN G. Last Speeches Of President Warren G. Harding Delivered On His Alaskan Tour June to August 1923, reported and compiled by James W. Murphy. Washington: 1923. 394 pp.
In Memoriam: Warren G. Harding. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1924. 96 pp.
MEANS, Gaston B. (as told to Mary Dixon Thacker). The Strange Death of President Harding. New York: Guild Publishing Corp., 1930. 314 pp.
MORAN, Philip R., ed. Warren G. Harding, 1865-1923: Chronology—Documents—Bibliographical Aids. Bobbs Ferry, NY: Oceana Publications, 1970. 121 pp.
MURRAY, Robert K. The Harding Era: Warren G. Harding and His Administration. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1969. 626 pp.
MURRAY, Robert K. The Politics of Normalcy: Governmental Theory and Practice in the Harding-Coolidge Era. New York: W. W. Norton, 1973. 162 pp.
NOGGLE, Burl. Into the Twenties: The United States From Armistice to Normalcy. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1974. 233 pp.
NOGGLE, Burl. Teapot Dome: Oil And Politics In The 1920s. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1962. 234 pp.
PAYNE, Phillip G. Dead Last: The Public Memory of Warren G. Harding’s Scandalous Legacy. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2009. 267 pp.
ROSENALT, James David. The Harding Affair: Love And Espionage During The Great War. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. 396 pp.
RUSSELL, Francis. The Shadow of Blooming Grove: Warren G. Harding in His Times. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1968. 691 pp.
RUSSELL, Thomas H. The illustrious Life And Work of Warren G. Harding: Twenty-ninth President of the United States: From Farm To White House. 1923. 352 pp.
SINCLAIR, Andrew. The Available Man: The Life Behind the Masks of Warren Gamaliel Harding. New York: Macmillan Co, 1965. 344 pp.
STEARNS, Harold E., ed. Civilization In The United States: An Inquiry By Thirty Americans. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co, 1922. 577 pp.
TRANI, Eugene P., and WILSON, David L. The Presidency of Warren G. Harding. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1977. 232 pp.
After the 1920 election, the Vice President-elect and Mrs. Coolidge visited the Hardings. Of this experience, he wrote this in his Autobiography (p. 154):
Shortly before Christmas Mrs. Coolidge and I paid a brief visit to Mr. and Mrs. Harding at their home in Marion, Ohio. They received us in the most gracious manner. It was no secret to us why their friends had so much affection for them.
ANTHONY, Carl Sferrazza. Florence Harding: The First Lady, The Jazz Age, And The Death Of America’s Most Scandalous President. New York: William Morrow, 1998. 645 pp.
SIBLEY, Katherine A.S. First Lady Florence Harding: Behind the Tragedy and Controversy. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2009. 366 pp.