Press Conference, October 21, 1924

Date: October 21, 1924

Location: Washington, D.C.

(Original document available here)

I have an oft recurring question here about the Tariff Commission’s report on sugar. They haven’t finished their studies yet, and until I get before me all the information I want to have – there was a man in from the West this morning stating that the producers of sugar beets wanted to be heard,- I don’t know when I can arrive at a conslusion.

Could you say who it was?

I can’t think now what the man’s name was.

Do you expect to hear the producers?

I hardly think so. I don’t believe I can start in on holding anything much in the way of hearings or giving them a chance to file information with me. I have reached no conclusion about that, but I shall have to depend very largely on such reports as I can get from the Departments, rather than to attempt making an independent investigation myself. Though, if it seems necessary to have hearings, in order to get the necessary information, of course I shall do that.

I haven’t any further plan than that which I have already announced about an agricultural conference. I don’t know that I have any speeches in contemplation that would be dignified by the name of speeches, other than that which I am going to make here in Washington Thursday evening, which will be radioed, I understand, over the whole country. It is especially with that in mind that I am making this address. The gathering here of the Chamber of Commerce was simply an opportunity for making a speech that would get some circulation by radio.

I hardly expect to go to Northampton to vote, though I haven’t made up my mind fully about that. I should go their by all means, if I could go without the necessary train attendants that always have to go when the President goes anywhere. I have to take so many people with me that if it takes any kind of a journey why for myself and Mrs. Coolidge it is a good deal of an undertaking, and of course there is a considerable expense to the Government. I may go, but I haven’t decided yet.

I haven’t had any communication from the Mayor of Philadelphia about an extension of leave for General Butler. My disposition would be to leave such a request open for a time. I think he has an extension of leave that lasts until some time in January. I shouldn’t want to give him another extension and find that within two or three days after it was given that there was another set of difficulties arriving up there. I am more disposed to wait and see. If he is treated all right and gets on all right, if he does and is, why then I can consider that, and be guided to some extent, of course, by what he may want himself. As I say, I haven’t had any communication about it, so I haven’t given the matter any attention.

I don’t believe I can make any comment about the proposed carrying out of the Versailles Treaty. That is a matter that is entirely in the hands of foreign governments. I don’t know as it would be in good taste for me to make any comment about it.

Mr. President, have you received any reply from the Secretary of Commerce, Nagel, asking him to make some speeches in St. Louis?

Yes, I got a telegram from him yesterday I think, and I don’t know of any reason why that couldn’t be given out to the press here. He indicated that he was expecting to make some speeches.

Who is that, Mr. President?

Secretary Nagel, of St. Louis.

This speech on Thursday night, Mr. President, it will be a political speech pure and simple wont it?

No, I very seldom make any political speeches.

It will be your last extended speech?

I rather think it will be my last extended speech, though about that I don’t know, and there might be something arising about which I might want to say something. I am going to speak about the general business situation of the country and what we have been doing to try and improve it, and the results that we have had from such actions as we have taken.

Will you lay down a little program for the future in a way, Mr. President?

I haven’t got to that part of my speech yet. But that is a good suggestion.

Can you give us any news about Mr. Prince’s visit?

Mr. Prince was an old friend of mind up in Mass. He was in town and dropped in to pay his respects. I invited him to come in to lunch.

Mr. President, have you received the sugar report from the Dept. of Agriculture?

Not final. They have sent me some information and are going to send some more.

Citation: Calvin Coolidge: Remarks by the President to Newspaper Correspondents 

The Coolidge Foundation gratefully acknowledges the volunteer efforts of Harrison Dal Ponte who prepared this document for digital publication.

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