Date: December 10, 1930
Location: New York, NY
(Original document available here)
Nothing has occurred for some time so completely demonstrating the weakened moral position which the present regime in Russia holds in the public estimation of the world as the recent treason trial in that distressed country. The significant point of the whole transaction is the almost universal expression that no one knows what to believe about it, to such an extent has confidence in the good faith of the Soviet officials been weakened. Whether such suspicion of them is justified or not, it is apparent that it exists.
Human relationships that are of any value rest on faith and confidence. When those disappear, the whole fabric of governmental, social and business intercourse disappears with them. At times the Russians are no doubt right in feeling that they are misrepresented, but in the treason trial such is not the case. The impression is of their own making. Whatever may be the effect at home, it has reveled and aggravated the distrust abroad. In spite of the desire of humanity because of past friendships or present relations to help the Russian people, this spectacle has increased the feeling of bewildered hopelessness in nearly every quarter of the world.
Citation: Calvin Coolidge Says: Dispatches Written by Former-President Coolidge and Syndicated to Newspapers in 1930-1931 (Calvin Coolidge Memorial Foundation)
The Coolidge Foundation gratefully acknowledges the volunteer efforts of Robert Manchester who prepared this document for digital publication.