Date: May 30, 1921
Location: Washington, D.C.
Context: Coolidge honors those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country
There are more than four million persons in the nation who know from experience what war service means. There are more than one hundred thousand homes which have been darkened by the irreparable infliction of war. There are hundreds of thousands carrying the marks and disability of war. The thirtieth day of May has been set apart that all the people might think on these things, on the blessings of peace as the result of their righteous victory, on the devotion of the living, on the obligation to recompense the disabled, on the everlasting honor which is due to the dead, that this nation, through the fulfillment of these obligation, may continue worthy of these great sacrifices, and through the cultivation of a like spirit continue to be partners in like glories.
Citation: Vermont Historical Society
The Coolidge Foundation gratefully acknowledges the volunteer efforts of Anne Cherico, who prepared this document for digital publication.