Press Conference, July 1, 1924

Date: July 1, 1924

Location: Washington, D.C.

(Original document available here)

Ladies and Gentlemen:

The date of notification hasn’t been decided. I imagine that it will be probably by the week beginning July 21st, sometime during that week. Of course there wouldn’t be any joint notification. One committee was directed by the convention to notify the nominee for President and another committee to notify the nominee for Vice President. Whether the Chairman notifies the President and the Temporary Chairman notifies the Vice President, I don’t know, though I believe that Rep. Barton is going abroad, so that it is doubtful if he will be able to return in time to participate in the notification of General Dawes. But they will be separate of course.

Now, that conference which is mentioned here, between the General, Mr. Butler and myself, is something about which really I have no knowledge. I have gotten my information about it from the newspapers. Perhaps you are better informed about that than I am. I am not certain that Mr. Butler is to be in town. Is he in town? Yes. I don’t know that any preliminary plans of the campaign are going to be discussed with Mr. Butler. Very likely General Dawes and he and I will sit down to see what each of us know, and make suggestions about the proper conduct of each other, though I haven’t any plan of campaign at the present time, other than to go on with my work here very much as I have been doing.

I don’t think that Ambassador Jusserand mentioned the matter of the Russian Government. He was in the other day, as I explained, on merely a formal matter, as Ambassadors do when they are returning to their own country. Merely a formal visit of departure. I am sure that nothing was said about Russia. The matter might have been mentioned in the most casual way, but I don’t think a word was said about it. There is no change that I know of in the attitude of the American Government about our relations with Russia. I set out my position in that respect in my message to the Congress, delivered last December. There was a note sent some time after that by Secretary Hughes, in response to some inquiry that came here from Russian Government, which was a little different in tone from what I said in my message, but analyzed I think was the same in substance. I know of no change.

In my message to the Congress I expressed the hope that conditions would come about under which the Russian people would take their place again with the nations of the earth. I have a great desire to be of every possible assistance to them. I have had no communication that I recall with any one about Russia, or any occasion to take any different position than that which I have expressed.

Anything in the Cabinet meeting, Mr. President?

No, except that Secretary Wallace reported that for six days there had been no fresh outbreak of the foot and mouth disease in California.

Citation: Calvin Coolidge: Remarks by the President to Newspaper Correspondents 

The Coolidge Foundation gratefully acknowledges the volunteer efforts of David DeCleene who prepared this document for digital publication.

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