Date: June 20th, 1924
Location: Washington, D.C.
(Original document available here)
I don’t know of anything that the Department of Justice is doing relative to the I.W.W. on the Pacific Coast. If anything is being done out there, I suppose it is being done by the District Attorneys and local authorities. The matter has not come to my attention.
I haven’t heard from General Dawes as to the time when he will come to Washington. The only suggestion I have about that is the one that I made the other day at the conference. I indicated to him that he should come down at his convenience.
I haven’t had any report from either of the Committees that I appointed relative to the Shipping Board program. One was for the purpose of advising about keeping up the fleet, and the other coordinating railroad transportation and shipping transportation. I think some member of the Board told me within a day or two that they were at a point where they were considering a preliminary report. Just what that meant, I do not know.
I received a letter from Representative Britton. Sometimes when a letter is published, half the time before I get it, it answers itself. I shall look into the suggestions that Representative Britton made. I don’t expect to find anything. I think that the Naval Selection Board is rather higher at this time than usual. That seems to cover the inquiries.
Cabinet meeting, Mr. President?
Yes, we had a Cabinet meeting, but nothing of importance developed.
Citation: Calvin Coolidge: Remarks by the President to Newspaper Correspondents
The Coolidge Foundation gratefully acknowledges the volunteer efforts of John Sullivan III who prepared this document for digital publication.