Press Conference, June 7, 1927

Date: June 7, 1927

Location: Washington D.C.

(Original document available here)

Of course, I can’t speak as an expert regarding the appearance of the fleet at the review which I attended last Saturday. I was naturally very much impressed with the fine appearance that was made by the fleet, both in the large number of vessels that passed by and in their generally efficient appearance. We had but a few of our destroyers there. We have a great many of them. We have a good many battleships and cruisers and an airplane carrier and a hospital ship, which is the only hospital ship in the world which was built exclusively for that purpose in serving a national navy. I don’t think that any one could have viewed the parade of the ships that went by with the knowledge that it was only a part of our fleet, without realizing that we have, as everyone knows, one of the most powerful navies in the world.

I am not planning any stops on my trip West, other than the one at Hammond, Indiana. I don’t mean by that that there will not be stops which will be more or less incidental. I am expecting to make a short stop at Pierire, South Dakota, more or less informal, where the Governor and some of the State officials wish to come to the train to extend their greetings. I presume there will be some incidental stops of that nature, people coming to stations where the train is stopping to take water or something of that kind.

No final decision has been made about keeping our Legation at Peking. It will depend upon the development of conditions there. Peking is difficult of access in case of any disorder or military disturbance at that point, so that we had formed a plan some time ago that if danger threatened that point we would move the Legation down where it could be more easily taken care of. That matter is more or less in the hands of Admiral Williams, who will advise us and keep us informed as to what is necessary to be done to protect our people.

I have already extended half holidays for the Government employees to the very closely breaking point. It was done at their request. So that I am not expecting to have another addition to their half holidays because Captain Lindbergh is going to be in Washington on Saturday next. He isn’t to arrive here until 12:00 o’clock. It is now planned to have the ceremony bestowing the Distinguished Flying decoration upon him something like an hour after his arrival. I am advising the Departments, however, that those of their people that are not needed to keep the departments running will be permitted to go out at 12:00 o’clock. That will give them plenty of time to attend the ceremonies which will be at 1:00.

I have reappointed Commissioner Hill of the Shipping Board; that is, given him a recess appointment, his term being about to expire.

I do not think any plans have been made about a reception to Mr. Chamberlin when he returns. No information has reached me about the time of his return. So, quite naturally, nothing has been done in relation to it. There has been no exchange of correspondence between this Government and the German Government, or any of the cities over there, of which I have cognizance, relative to the flight of the plane that reached Germany, other than the message that was sent by me through the State Department which has already been made public.

I think from reports that have been made to me by the Department of Justice, I may be able to appoint one or two more judges before I leave for the summer. I think not more than two and possibly not more than one.

Senator Smoot, I believe, is coming in to see me tomorrow, perhaps he will have something to say about calling Congress together a little before its regular session in December. The investigation and plans for flood control have not yet reached any point where I have thought it was necessary to give consideration to any early convening of the Congress. It will be necessary for us to see what progress is made in the plans for that purpose, though considering the probability that any plans that are perfected would require several years for their execution and that the matter of a month or two would be of little consequence, it might not appear when all the information is assembled that there is any particular reason for an early session. I assume though, that the main reason for starting a session early would be in order to have an opportunity for the Congress to act on the considerable amount of business that will come before it, and at the same time give it an at opportunity to adjourn at the usual early period which the Congress likes to adjourn when the House and a third of the Senate are up for reelection.

I think I am having a reception, or rather the usual garden party, or whatever designation is properly given to it, for the ex-service men that are in the different hospitals about the city on the 10th. Is it the 10th?

Press: The 9th, Thursday

President: I was going to say that if it came on the 10th I felt certain it would be over in time so that we could have our usual afternoon conference.

Citation: Calvin Coolidge: Remarks by the President to Newspaper Correspondents

The Coolidge Foundation gratefully acknowledges the volunteer efforts of Carolyn Ledewitz who prepared this document for digital publication.

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