Press Conference, May 15, 1928

Date: May 15, 1928

Location: Washington, D.C.

(Original document available here)

I do not recall that any report has come to me from the Tariff Commission relative to the cost of production here and abroad of milk and cream. You don’t know of any, do you, Mr. Sanders?

Mr. Sanders: No sir.

President: I don’t know just what will be necessary as an initial appropriation for flood control. I have talked a little with General Jadwin about it and I think his idea is some $25,000,000. Of course, I don’t know what work will be undertaken first. That will be a matter for the board to as determine. I am going to try to get as a member of the board a civil engineer that is entirely disconnected with the territory involved, so that he may feel free to make such decisions as he would think are for the welfare of the different localities without being embarrassed in any way by any of his local connections. I want to get a first class engineer. No doubt I can find such a person.

I haven’t any information about any request by the Chinese Nationalist Government, other than some reference I have seen in the press. Any information about that ought to be secured in the State Department.

The Welch salary bill as proposed by the Committee is a larger sum than I think ought to be provided at this time for increases in salaries . The House had a bill of $13,000,000 or $14,000,000, which I thought was reasonable, and which was as far as I wished to go. Then there seemed to be some reasons for adding $3,000,000 or $4,000,000 on to that. Now the Senate Committee apparently has increased that bill by $7,000,000 more, which seems to me to be too large. Of course, I will take any bill that comes to me and try to decide it on its merits.

I think there are some very good provisions in the Merchant Marine bill which would tend to benefit the shipping interests of this country. There are some things in it I don’t like so well, but so far as I am informed about it the bill as a whole would be beneficial.

Nothing definite has been done toward a successor to Judge Sanborn of the U. S. Circuit Court, who lived in Minneapolis, Minn.

I have the flood control bill here on my desk and I expect to approve it today.

Citation: Calvin Coolidge: Remarks by the President to Newspaper Correspondents

The Coolidge Foundation gratefully acknowledges the volunteer efforts of Frank Harder who prepared this document for digital publication.

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