Date: September 21, 1926
Location: Washington, D.C.
(Original document available here)
I am glad to extend greetings to the augmented force of the conference. I hope those of you that were not with us had as pleasant a time as I did.
There isn’t much comment that I can make relative to the reservations that were made by the Senate to the proposal to adhere to the protocol which established the Permanent Court of International Justice. It seems to me the reservations are plain and clear and speak for themselves. 1 have neither any authority or any disposition to vary them. They are made for the purpose of protecting American interests. I don’t see any way that they can be changed.
I haven’t any official information about what is reported to be a Geneva proposal regarding the 5th Senate reservation. I don’t think there is anything in that reservation that says that the United States is to have the same rights as any member of the League. The statement of the reservation is to the effect that the United States has the right to prevent an advisory opinion on any matter that affects the United States or which is claimed to affect the United States. I don’t see, as I have said, any way that they can be modified.
No decision has been made yet about an appointment to the Federal Trade Commission. I haven’t made any decision about dedicating the Liberty Memorial at Kansas City this Fall. I have had several invitations to go out there. I think their later invitations wish me to go out on Armistice Day. That hasn’t yet been decided.
Major Grant came in this morning because I sent for him to talk with him about appointing some one to take the place of Major Brooks, to perform certain duties under the supervision of Public Buildings and Grounds.
I haven’t any information about the proposed sites for the Department of Commerce Building, other than what has already been appearing in the press, nor have I any information about a proposal to construct an apartment house where Federal employees might get rents on the basis of $12.50 per month per room. Of course I am interested in securing for those who are in the Federal employ reasonable rentals.
Citation: Calvin Coolidge: Remarks by the President to Newspaper Correspondents
The Coolidge Foundation gratefully acknowledges the volunteer efforts of John Sullivan III who prepared this document for digital publication.