Date: November 7, 1925
Location: Washington, DC
(Original document available here)
I keep having inquiries about the coal strike. I don’t know just why I keep having them. I suppose the press would like something to write about. There isn’t anything that I can say about that, and I don’t know of anything at the present time that I can do about it. Now, if you will just keep that in mind perhaps it will be in an indication of what slant you ought to take when you hear rumors.
I don’t know of anything about Commissioner Haynes’ connection with the Government other than what I have seen in the press. I have indicated, I think a good many times, to the conference, that I had a very high regard for Major Haynes. I think he was a very good officer holding a very difficult situation. I am sure that he can be very helpful by continuing. Now whether it is going to be thought best by General Andrews and Secretary Mellon and Mr. Blair to continue him in office, I don’t know. From all I know, I suppose they are going to do so and receive the benefit of the vary vast knowledge he has of the situation and use him in a great many ways.
I haven’t in contemplation any action in regard to Commissioner of Immigration, Curran, of New York. I don’t know what his views are about immigration. I know that he has extensive views that he has voiced in the press, but if there is a difference between him and the Immigration Department, I don’t know just what the nature of the difference is. The only rumor that has ever come to me seemed in a way a reflection of Mr. Curran, and I don’t know that that was warranted, was the fact that he seemed to be making a good deal of criticism of his superior officers. He may have a very good plan of running his office over there that is better than the Department has. Of course, it is always unfortunate when a subordinate starts out publicly to criticize his superiors. I have understood that Mr. Curran was a first-rate public officer. He is a man of intelligence. I think he is a graduate of Yale some time back. It looks as though he was well trained to administer that office. Now I imagine that there have been rumors about it, but that the facts are rather inconsequential.
Press: The matter hasn’t been referred to you by the Labor Department?
President: Not that I know of. I heard something to the effect that a letter of reference had come over here, but I have never seen it and don’t think it has come.
Here is another veteran rumor about my position on the World Court. If you want to know what my position is in relation to it, read the two or three statements that I have made. The first one in my message of 1923, next in my message of 1924, and in an address I made at Arlington the 30th of May, 1924. I haven’t changed my position at all. Nobody has suggested that there should be any compromise. What I want is some practical resolution that will carry out the necessary purpose.
Senator Borah didn’t mention and I didn’t mention the Italian debt or the foreign debts, when he was in here. I sent for him to consult with him as I am consulting with a great many now, to find out if anything had occurred to him in his experience or his studies that would be something that I ought to touch on in my message. I learned from Senator Smoot and Secretary Mellon, who was in here just now, that they seemed to be making very good progress. I haven’t any details. If I did have them, I wouldn’t want to disclose them. But they are making progress. There is every indication I think that an agreement can be reached. That is the general impression I get from my conference with those who are on the debt commission. There seems to be a disposition on both sides to try to make a settlement and I think from such information that comes to me that both sides are approaching the problem with the utmost candor. When that is the case we usually expect that candid minds can meet and agree.
I think that is all for the day.
(Newspaper men called back within a few minutes)
**** between the depression of the franc and the debt settlement failure. The suggestion is that the so-called Morgan credits to France have been held up at the instance of the Government. I don’t think there is any foundation whatever for any rumor of that kind. I don’t know of any proposal by France to get the credits here, and I am sure that our Government has not put anything in the way of any credit of that kind. I am very certain that no suggestion has been made for an additional credit.
Press: That was made a long time ago, Mr. President.
President: Yes. A credit of I think $100,000,000 was extended in the late spring.
Press: Has the administration any plans for a possible debt conference in Europe
President; no.
Citation: Calvin Coolidge: Remarks by the President to Newspaper Correspondents
The Coolidge Foundation gratefully acknowledges the volunteer efforts of Chloe Kersey who prepared this document for digital publication.