Title: Statement Relative to Assisting Discharged Soldiers, Sailors and Marines in Securing Employment
Date: February 5, 1919
Location: Boston, MA
Context: Coolidge as Governor aiding the process of caring for veterans after they return
(Original document available here)
To Employers of Labor in Massachusetts.
The return to industry of the men who have been in the military and naval service of the United States is a matter of immediate concern to the public. It affects not only the personal welfare of the soldiers, but to fully as great an extent the interests of all our people. These men have had no opportunity to accumulate even the smallest of reserve funds. As they return, most of them are in need of immediate employment. Although their services have entitled them to special consideration, they ask only opportunity to return to normal occupations.
I desire to commend most highly the manner in which the employers of the Commonwealth have responded to my earnest representations as to the duty of taking back into their former positions any and all men who left employment for the military or naval service. There seems to be no question in the mind of the employer as to the man’s right to reinstatement.
The duty of assisting discharged soldiers, sailors and marines in securing employment has been assigned to the United States Employment Service in co-operation with State and local public safety committees and with the leading welfare organizations; especially those which have concerned themselves with the welfare of the soldier. A special bureau, maintained by these organizations, is being organized in every city and town in the Commonwealth, but no bureaus can create opportunities for employment. They must have the active co-operation of employers.
I take this occasion to commend and again to call upon employers for their fullest co-operation. I urge them to take back into their concerns every former employee and to give preference, when filling other vacancies, to discharged soldiers and sailors recommended by the United States Employment Service, or the bureau for returning soldiers, sailors and marines.
The Federal and State governments are taking active measures to bring together employers and men who are looking for jobs. Only the continued co-operation of employers is needed to effect the return of all our soldiers, sailors and marines to normal industry without economic disturbance.
The Coolidge Foundation gratefully acknowledges the volunteer efforts of Adaeze Nneamaka Stephanie Kalu, who prepared this document for digital publication.